Are You Ready for the Valley of the Shadow of Death?

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(Update Sept. 2020): Howard Pittman passed away March 13th, 2019 and went to be with our Lord Jesus Christ. He ran the race and fought the good fight of faith; the time the Lord gave him to return was well used to help many souls come to know our Lord. Bless his memory and may his work continue to help people come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  

Howard Pittman had a near death experience on August 3, 1979, and has been telling this experience every since: wherever he's invited. Maybe you're inviting him to speak to you, by watching the video below and reading this post? Hopefully, this is the case, as this is a very important warning to all Christians, especially, and all non-believers peradventure they'll believe and be saved by faith in Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God.

Scoffers will always find a way to deny near-death experiences, always rationalizing them away with their religious belief: science falsely so called. Yet, for those who believe in the Holy Bible and thus the afterlife, this story is a warning to get right with God and to make sure we're not just worshiping Him in vain. Howard says 95% of the people who are lost are worshiping another lord, that being: the self...

On August 3, 1979, Howard was determined by the paramedics to be dead in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. During this time, he was having an out of body experience - being taken to the 2nd and 3rd heaven by Holy Angels to gain a deeper understanding of what reality really is. 

He relates that we are a spiritual being in a physical body, and once we die we enter into a timeless eternity: either in heaven with the God of the Bible, or in hell and the lake of fire with Satan and his fallen angels.

I remember hearing about Howard Pittman a few years ago when Omegaman Radio had him on to tell his testimony and experience. My wife and I were amazed and strengthened by his testimony, and soon bought and read his book called Placebo, which details the account.

Howard is still alive today and working his ministry, and considering he was born in the great depression era (the 1920's) - this is amazing. I'm not sure exactly how old he is, but I can safely say he's in his 90s.

He only goes where he's invited, and mostly his message is for the church. His testimony is one of a former Baptist fundamentalist who didn't believe the supernatural gifts of God were working in the church today. 

Healing, casting out demons, raising people from the dead, visions, and other supernatural works of God are thought to have ended after the initial apostles died; according to the demonic doctrines of the Baptist and the like. Howard learned the hard way that this wasn't true when he was chastised by God at the gates of heaven!

This story is one you can either deny and say is a complete fabrication and fantasy, or you can take heed and change your life: to get ready for the valley of the shadow of death. As Howard says in this video below: we're all going to go through the valley of the shadow of death! Fear God and be wise to get yourself ready to go through this valley.

Dear Mr. Pittman also tells us of the structure of the second heaven, which he was allowed to see at work while having this out of body experience. The hierarchy of Satan's kingdom is like a well-oiled military machine that works tirelessly to kill, steal, and destroy. As we can see in today's modern chaotic, violent, and perverse world, this army is very effective. Yet, for those who believe and understand God's Word is true, we know there's a spiritual battle we are fighting (Ephesians 6:12).

All of us are going to face the death of this earthen vessel, this is a sure thing. And thus, we're all going to face the valley of the shadow of death. 

We learn from Howard's experience (and the Bible) that most people are not going to make it to heaven (because of their unbelief). Howard was shown 50 saints who were making their way into heaven, and these 50 saints represented a period of 15 minutes of time in which 2,000 people died on August 3, 1979. That means there were 1,950 people who didn't make it to heaven during this period. This should make us fear God and work out our salvation with fear and trembling, as well as to make extra efforts to pray for the lost and witness to them as much as possible.

I wanted to share this video below of Howard Pittman explaining part of this amazing near-death experience. I know the scoffers who are bound by demons are going to be skeptical of the validity of his experience, but for those who are wise – take heed to not live your Christian life in vain. Truly, this is a temporary existence down here in these earthen vessels, and one day we'll be facing the valley of the shadow of death.

Jesus Christ = Life

Satan = Death

Jesus Overcame (defeated) Death by Rising From the Dead

Faith in Jesus Christ = Sins are Forgiving and We are part of his body, therefor we too will rise from the dead and overcome death.

We can only overcome spiritual death, by being in the body of Jesus Christ.

We can only be in the body of Jesus Christ, by having faith in Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God. Trust and Obey, Repent and be Saved.

God bless in Jesus.


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